The European Commission held a groundbreaking ceremony for the “Kormakitis Centre for Cooperation” infrastructure project valued at €900,000 at an event on Thursday 30 September 2021, from 12:00-15:00 at the location of the Centre. Once completed, the Kormakitis Centre for Cooperation will provide the Maronite community and other communities with a facility for education, youth activities, conferences and meetings, as well as cultural activities.
EU-funded restoration and rehabilitation projects have already contributed to revitalising the social and cultural heritage of Kormakitis. The new centre, which is being supported as part of the EU-funded Local Infrastructure Facility (LIF) implemented by UNDP, has a mission to serve the reconciliation and coexistence of local communities in Cyprus. The Maronite community is currently in the process of establishing an association that will be responsible for managing the new facility, for which designs have been completed and construction works have just started. “The Kormakitis Centre for Cooperation holds a vision for the future. A future that celebrates the multi-communal landscape of Cyprus that strives for reconciliation and coexistence,” said Judit Rozsa, the Director for Coordination, Resources and Aid Programme at DG Reform in the European Commission, speaking at the event earlier today.
“It was a vision of the Maronite community here to create such a facility. They invested a substantial amount of resources in preparing designs and most importantly, in creating a roadmap for how the Centre will be used and how it can contribute to a better future in Cyprus” she added. Referring to the event as ‘’a historic day for the Maronite Community of Cyprus,’ John Mousas, the Member of the Parliament representing the Maronite community stated the following: ‘’Together with the European Union, we have laid down the foundations for the implementation of a very important project. The Centre for Cooperation to be established in Kormakitis will serve for the purpose of promoting a unified and prosperous European Cyprus, with particular focus on the younger generations and the cultivation of a culture of mutual understanding and coexistence. It will operate as a bridge for cooperation and collaboration amongst all communities and all Cypriots. As the Maronite Community, we would like to express our gratitude to the European Union and reaffirm our commitment to work hard in order to serve and achieve our common objectives.’’
Meanwhile, Alexandre Prieto, the Project Manager of UNDP LIF, underlined the fact that UNDP has been working on supporting confidence building measures in Cyprus for more than 20 years now. “We see this project as a chance for building confidence and increasing cooperation, especially amongst the youth“ said Prieto, noting that the Centre will be providing opportunities to bring together youth from all communities of Cyprus.
